Watchdog Anti-Malware Subscription


Watchdog Anti-Malware is a second-opinion cloud-based multi-engine malware scanner designed to protect your computer from malware that your primary anti-virus misses.

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Watchdog Anti-Malware Subscription

Effective multi-engine malware scanner

It’s simply not possible to install six different tier 1 anti-virus programs on your computer because they’ll conflict with each other, but even it you could it would be prohibitively expensive. We’ve come up with a way to provide you with six anti-virus scanners to catch malware that your primary anti-virus program misses all at a fraction of the price. And it is point-and-click easy to use.

How It Works

Step 1. First you simply start a scan.Step 2. Anti-Malware analyzes your files and when our software finds a suspicious file, it passes the fingerprint to our Cloud Scanning Platform where 6 different anti-virus engines perform checks. Milliseconds later, our Cloud Scanning Platform marks the file as safe or malicious, or else asks Anti-Malware to upload it for further examination.Step 3. Anti-Malware rapidly sets about removing any confirmed malicious software.

Why cloud-based multi-engine scanning?

In 2014, more than 317 million new malware threats were released. Not all engines can detect all threats, so one anti-virus engine is no longer sufficient. Only by using multi-engine scanning technology can you ensure that no threat goes undetected. That’s why Anti-Malware uses six different anti-virus engines.

Improve your security

Watchdog Anti-Malware uses our Cloud Scanning Platform, a highly optimized cluster of servers running 6 anti-virus engines with the latest updates. This provides you with the power of multi-engine scanning without any of the downsides such as drains on system resources or conflicts between programs.

Fast scanning and malware removal

Watchdog Anti-Malware is extremely optimized and lightweight. Our software engineers designed it to work out of the box without the need to tinker with confusing settings. Simply start a scan and wait a few minutes while it searches your computer and eliminates threats.

  • Multi-engine scanning.
  • Removes unwanted apps, toolbars and add-ons.
  • Very fast scanning.
  • Very easy to use.
  • Doesn’t slow down your PC.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied that your PC is more secure with Watchdog Anti-Malware installed, please contact us within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.

System Requirements

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10.
About 25MB disk space.
About 25MB memory.
Active Internet connection.


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