Dev. Virto Bulk File Download for SP2016


Virto Bulk File Download Web Part is easy-to-install and easy-to-use component compatible with SharePoint 2007,2010 and 2013 and allows to download files from SharePoint Library into single .zip archive and store it at your local disk.


Virto Bulk File Download Web Part allows to download files from SharePoint Library into single .zip archive and store it at your local disk.

Virto Bulk File Download is easy-to-install and easy-to-use component compatible with SharePoint 2007,2010 and 2013. Once the components  is installed, additional bulk download option in "Actions" section of any SharePoint  Library is available. With this options one can easily perform operations with a large group of files with just a few clicks.

When you have installed Virto Bulk File Download and activated it, you can use either as a web part placed on a SharePoint Document Library page or as an additional feature in “Action” menu.

When you choose Bulk Download option, you will be able to download all necessary files from the document library. Pressing “Bulk Download’ shows all files of the chosen Document Library as a tree. 
Select files needs to be downloaded and press ‘Download’ button.  


  • Download group of files on the SharePoint Document Library or any type of SharePoint List into single .zip archive
  • Ability to select files to be downloaded
  • Ability to use web part as an action at any of SharePoint Library
  • Ability to use it as a  web part
  • Cross browser(Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera are supported)



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