Dev. Active Directory User Service for SP2007


Virto Active Directory User Service for SharePoint

Virto Active Directory User Service is a web part that allows current user to view and edit his own Active Directory data through SharePoint (MOSS 2007).
After the web part is added to the site, its users can change their User Profile Info data, and all changes will be transferred to Active Directory, and from Active Directory Data Base — to MOSS and WSS User Profile Records


Virto Active Directory User Service for SharePoint

Virto Active Directory User Service is a web part that allows current user to view and edit his own Active Directory data through SharePoint (MOSS 2007).
After the web part is added to the site, its users can change their User Profile Info data, and all changes will be transferred to Active Directory, and from Active Directory Data Base — to MOSS and WSS User Profile Records. When SharePoint user logs in, Virto Web Part Active Directory defines login user and domain, transfers his information from Active Directory to SharePoint and displays it on the page. According to the settings defined for web part users by administrator, user can edit displayed information. In this case the changes will be sent to Active Directory and the message about successful operation will be displayed.

Using Virto Active Directory User Service you can collect information from Active Directory for current SharePoint user, display this data in the site page, allow users to modify the information fields and save these modifications in the Active Directory. The ability of field values’ changing is defined by administrator (“Edit”, “Read Only”, and “Don’t Show”).

Virto Active Directory User Service Web Part for SharePoint is designed only for MOSS 2007. If you install the web part to WSS site, you can also change the data in the user profile, but data will not be transferred to the AD. This mean data exchange between the AD and WSS user profile is not supported. We plan to implement this in the future web part releases.


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