Winsent Messenger (Unlimited site license)


A simple, handy and easy-to-use instant messaging program for local area networks. The program supports contact list, message archive, LAN browser. Compatible with WinPopup, Windows Messenger Service and net send.

SKU: 4526179 Category: Tags: ,


WinSent Messenger is an instant messaging program for local area networks. It will allow you to conveniently and instantaneously exchange short text messages with other users of your network, send and receive personal messages to and from them, send broadcast messages to a group of users or to all users of the network. Main features are:
– contact list, message archive, lan browser;
– sending and receiving messages using computer name, user login;
– distributing messages to an arbitrary group of user or to all users of domain;
– uses standard SMB protocol (compatible with WinPopup, Windows Messenger Service and net send);
– does not require a dedicated server or an internet connection.
WinSent has simple, handy and easy-to-use user interface. It is a compact program with low system requirements. The program designed to be used in small or medium-sized office or home local networks.


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