WinISO Standard


WinISO is the world's first ISO image editing software for all BIN and ISO needs. It can not only convert between ISO and other formats, but also extract, edit, burn and create ISO files directly. Meanwhile, it can create and edit bootable CDs.



WinISO is the world's first ISO image editing software for all BIN and ISO needs. It can not only convert BIN to ISO and other image files format conversion, but also extract, edit, create and burn ISO image files directly. WinISO can create bootable CD/DVD/BD image files, directly edit the boot image file and serve as BIN/ISO converter, ISO extractor, ISO burner and ISO editor.
1. The first software to edit BIN/ISO image file, add/delete/rename/extract file within image files.
2. Convert almost all image files to the standard ISO BIN/CUE formats.
3. Ability to create ISO image file from a CD/DVD/BD Drive.
4. Burn the ISO image file to CD/DVD/Blu-ray disc and burn image files on-the-fly.
5. Create the ISO image based on files or directories
6. Ability to open an image file, display the file tree, then run files within the image file
7. Supports almost all known CD/DVD/BD image files, including some virtual CD/DVD/BD Drive container files



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