SuperReading Eye-Hop Program
SuperReading helps all readers to at least double or triple their reading abilities, including dyslexics.
SuperReading helps all readers to at least double or triple their reading abilities, including dyslexics.
SuperReading is unmatched in its ability to boost reading comprehension, focus, retention and speed.
Professionals save one to two working days per week, while increasing comprehension and recall.
Students learning to SuperRead become the best readers (learners) in their school in 30 to 60 days. They get their highest grades ever while reducing study time 25 to 60%.
Schools adopting SuperReading get the highest test scores in their history.
Dyslexics outperform non-dyslexic readers within 30 to 90 days.
Gifted students (like everyone else) are learning at about 5% of their true learning potential. SuperReading Eye-Hop brings them up to 50 to 75% in 30 to 60 days, and near 90% in 90 to 120 days.
Four published university studies confirm these results.
At Apple Computer, their Global Response Team cut 28 hours of reading down to 5 hours, while decreasing customer complaints to their responses by 85%. Similar outcomes were seen at IBM, HP, Sony, AMD, Philips, Fujitsu, RBS and many more.
Includes memory and study tools.
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