RadioPlanner Single User license – unlimited


RadioPlanner 2.1 is a tool for planning:

– GSM / WCDMA / CDMA / UMTS / LTE mobile networks;
– TETRA / P25 / DMR / dPMR / NXDN / GSM-R /McWiLL professional mobile radio networks; 
– Networks based on wireless IoT technologies: LoRa and others.
– DVB-H / DVB-T / DVB-T2 / DAB / DAB+ terrestrial radio and television broadcast networks;

SKU: 20077314 Category: Tags: ,


RadioPlanner performs various types of area studies for mobile networks:
–    Received Power uplink/downlink;
–    Strongest Server (Best Server);
–    C/I ratio;
–    Area with Signal above Both the Base and Mobile Thresholds.

Area studies for terrestrial radio and television broadcast transmitters:
–    Field Strength at the Receiver Location;
–    Calculation of the population in the coverage area based on the OpenStreetMap project database; 
–    Generation of the list of localities covered by broadcasting.

All calculations are performed in accordance with the recommendation ITU-R P.1812-4 (07/2015) A path-specific propagation prediction method for point-to-area terrestrial services in the VHF and UHF bands.

RadioPlanner allows you to do:
–    Frequency planning of radio networks considering co-channel and adjacent channels interference;
–    Points calculation showing the profile of the path, losses, and levels of the signal and interference on co-channel and adjacent channels;
–    Import the measurement results of the received signal power levels for comparison with calculated values and adjust propagation model parameters;
–    Save the result of the coverage calculation as an interactive web page or as a raster image;
–    Flexibly adjust the layers on the base map, show custom vector layers.

GIS features:
–    SRTM-3 dataset is used as a digital terrain model. Data sources: USGS EarthExplorer site;
–    Landcover model with the different types of clutter (dense urban, urban, suburban, open land, water, and trees/forest). Landcover model was created on the basis of OpenStreetMap ( и Global Forest Change ( projects;
–    Any kinds of basemaps—both common (such as OpenStreetMap, OpenTopoMap, etc.) and custom ones.


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