ExtraRenamer – Site License


ExtraRenamer helps you to rename your video files, MP3 files, MP3 tags, pictures and all other types of files. The intuitive user interface with a drag and drop facility makes it easy to quickly select multiple files from different folders and rename with a click of button.


ExtraRenamer allows you to rename multiple pictures, MP3 music, MP3 tags and video files with flexible renaming options.

It is flexible, easy to use and provides intuitive user interface. You can quickly rename files and decide whether to change case (Upper, Lower, Title Case, Toggle Case) , remove alphabets, numbers and special characters from file name, add/replace user defined text, add current and file date to the file name, add user defined counter with a user defined start number etc.

You can quickly add files from a folder and its sub folders at a glance. You can save renamed files list to M3U playlist for easy playback and even to CSV file format.

You can copy all renamed files from various folders to a single folder with a click of a button. This can be useful when you want to Write CD of all renamed files or add files to a single ZIP file.

It is also possible to preview new file name even before you actually rename it. 


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