esProc is designed for application programmers to handle computing strongly related to the typical and complex business
facts. Without any inheriting, overload, and other complex concepts, it is a development language neither object-oriented,
nor fit for developing the infrastructure or the whole tool software.
esProc boasts the agile syntax, grid-style script, and complete debugging. For the structured or semi-structured data, esProc
incorporates the special designs and is especially fit for the multi-step business computing with complex algorithm or the
mixed computing of diverse data sources. The performance of esProc on stand-alone machine is close to or exceeds that of
the traditional database, and esProccan scale out cost-efficiently. The parallel computing can be handled with the outstanding
performance in the small-and-medium-sized cluster, which is also suitable for the computing workload requiring high
The typical usage of esProc includes the report data source computing, hard-coded ETL, real-time computing mid-layer for
application requiring high performance, non-real-time big data computing, and desktop BI.
esProc provides the JDBC interface for integration, and also allows for the direct calling through Command Line. esProc has
the independent Server and IDE, and supports distributed computing on multi-nodes and desktop computing.
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