Managing all of your personal and business contact information can be an overwhelming, time consuming and frustrating experience. Keeping your contacts well organized, up-to-date and linked is key for increasing productivity, networking and saving time..
Contact Wolf is a contact management software solution that is easy to learn, quick to master and will transform the way you manage your contact data. Finding information will no longer be an arduous task. Organizing your contacts will become intuitive and simple.
Whether you just want to manage and organize your home address book or you need your business to run more efficiently, Contact Wolf provides you with the features and tools you need to finally make managing your contact data effortless and in a way that makes sense to you.
Contact Wolf was designed to be powerful enough for large or small businesses to maintain large client and customer databases or perfect for the average home user that just needs a great address book to keep track of family and friends. Keep detailed information on everyone you know – Phone numbers, addresses, internet addresses, family info, Business details, Birthdays & Anniversaries, personal comments, Social Media addresses (Facebook, Twitter, etc) and much more!
Ultra Easy to Use
Home & Business Ready
Network Compatible
Imports your old Contacts
Easy Database Sharing
Life-Time Free Upgrades & Support
Create Groups to Organize your Contacts
Alarm Reminders (including by email)
Birthday & Anniversary Reminders
Prints Labels & Reports
Contact History Log
Link Images & Documents to Contacts
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